Critical beings


By Gian Hernandez

This study explores diverse embodiment through the use of innovative digital methods, focusing on podcasting as a medium for science communication (O’Hara, 2020). Criticality has emerged as a vital issue in health and fitness communication; notions of structure and agency remain undertheorized in the field (Lupton, 2009; Tiller et al., 2022; Zoller et al., 2019). The project utilizes a website for both dissemination and research purposes, on which podcast interviews regarding embodiment, diversity, and health and fitness with prominent experts from diverse backgrounds will be hosted. Transcripts of the recorded conversations will be posted on the platform to be commented on annotatively by audiences interested in critical health and fitness. Finally, these comments on the transcribed conversations will be analyzed using critical discourse analysis (Wodak & Meyer, 2001) to uncover audience attitudes, perceptions, and engagement with diverse themes within critical health and fitness.