Behavior Matters

Semester 2, academic year 2023/2024

By Yuyao Lu

Climate researchers, positioned as key communicators for climate change, face the challenge of promoting climate actions among the public. With billions engaging on social media every day, this study utilizes this platform for climate researchers to shape public perceptions and actions towards climate change. Leveraging the popularity of short form videos, th e study aims to create a novel online intervention, illustrating climate researchers’ personal behaviors (climate friendly vs. climate unfriendly) and substantiating the impact through empirical evidence.

Our central research question probes the extent to which climate researchers’ behavior influences the public’s efficacy beliefs, perceptions of climate urgency, and subsequently their pro environmental actions. Considering the role of algorithmic recommendation systems in shaping repetitive media consumption, we are particularly interested in the effects of repeated exposures rather than one time intervention. Taken together, we employ a longitudinal experiment with repeated exposures to climate researchers’ behavior, in combination with a between subjects design. This approach allows for an in depth investigation into changes in public perceptions and behaviors over time.

Beyond empirical insights, this study seeks theoretical extensions to behavior change theories, enhancing their applicability to the collective challenge of climate change. Additionally, this study aims to develop a robust climate communication strategy wi th practical implications for science communication. The ultimate goal is to contribute both theoretically and practically, providing valuable insights for effective climate communication strategies